1996-1999   Bachelor of Fine Arts (paint)

                    National Art School




2003            Masterclass in Formless

                    The Learning Connexion

                    Island Bay



2006-2014  "Tcartsba" (abstract)

                    Painted colour on campus buildings

                    "8 Buildings in 8 Years" 

                    The Learning Connexion

                    Taita, Lower Hutt




Alfred Memelink ArtSpace Gallery

Artel Gallery - Otaki

Ora Gallery - Wellington

The White Sail Gallery - New Plymouth

The Art Shed  - Napier

Josef Keininger Gallery - Waitarere Beach

Purpose Gallery - Mapua

Tait Gallery - Hamner Springs








I work with colour, its addictive spontaneous nature, and its endless possibilities.

Black and White are the leaders of the pack, who as a team, work together giving each other the right ground in which to stand tall, and the right light to make them shine.


Some colours are louder than others, so to keep the song in tune and retain a piece of peace Black and White step in and share their knowledge. With enough layering, noise can turn to sound and if all goes to plan, it's in tune too.


Today Paint and myself live in Levin and have a great house and studio, we work full-time and are never far apart.

Presently I work with acrylics on board or canvas painting "plein-air"

these landscapes arrive back at the studio for a few touch-ups before heading to galleries or shows, we also layer colour on mannequins, animals and any other objects which take our fancy, these prove popular and bend towards the absurd which I enjoy.


I'm bringing oils back in again to continue on with the large tcartsba (abstract) pieces which challenge my space in a whole new, sometimes familiar, often unknown, way.

When a series is complete and the time is ripe these will appear.